A look into the life of a 25 year old mother, wife, sister, friend, vegan and karaoke lover. Fair warning... what you are about to read a) is personal and you might feel uncomfortable at times, b) is very funny and should not be read if you are trying to spy on me without getting caught, c) is so enthralling that you might become obsessed with my life and my karaoke news flashes, and d) contains lots of 3-period endings to sentences... Don't say I didn't warn you...

The Song List...

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Welcome, oh welcome to my little show...

For those of you who are my friend on myspace, you know I love to blog. I blog about my life, my hopes, my dreams, my fears... and most recently, my transformation to the world of becoming and being a Vegan Rock Star. But there are so many more folks who want a view into my little world who refuse to sign up for myspace, thus limiting their ability to know what's really going on in my little head. So here it is... this is for those of you who love the Abbinator and need the opportunity to trespass into my life a little bit. This blog is for you!

Now, for those of you who may not know me so well, I'll fill you in a bit. I am a 25 year old wife and the mother to one awesome 2-year old. I love to spend time outside pretending that I am still a bright-eyed kid, I love to cook and read and to try new things. My husband, Hayden, and I have been married for over 5 years. Yes, you read correctly. I got married at 19. It was the right decision for us, but man alive, I wouldn't necessarily recommend getting married that young. From the moment I met Hayden, I literally knew I would marry him. Scary, considering I was only 16 years old. I obviously did not let him in on this little secret until much later on in our relationship. We love God and love our little family of 3. Our son, Merritt, just turned 2 and is the center of our universe. He is an only child and will continue to be. You will, most assured, learn more about my reasons for only having one child... that is, if you tune in for more updates on our lives. I quit my job about a year ago. I was a casino marketing manager. It was not the right field for me to be in...I started to go crazy. I was having weird dreams about work, losing touch with my friends, family and my faith. So I took a step back, we re-evaluated and Hayden went back to work. He had been a stay-at-home Dad up to that point. It has been an interesting year... starting our own business, trying to figure out our new roles in our family and in the mean time, trying to cultivate a wonderful little human being. Through it all, our love for each other has grown and we are still going strong. Of course there are bumps in the road of life; we are humans. But I am happy to share our bumps in the road, our little and big heartaches... in the hopes that maybe our story can inspire others; give hope... or at least keep you laughing at the fallies of everyday life as a stay-at-home mother. And as you can see, I am a karaoke rock star. I have fans, a following, if you will. I am most famous for my re-creation of "My Humps" and most recently, my version of "Como La Flor". So stay tuned for whatever it is that's to come in this thing called the life of Abby.


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