A look into the life of a 25 year old mother, wife, sister, friend, vegan and karaoke lover. Fair warning... what you are about to read a) is personal and you might feel uncomfortable at times, b) is very funny and should not be read if you are trying to spy on me without getting caught, c) is so enthralling that you might become obsessed with my life and my karaoke news flashes, and d) contains lots of 3-period endings to sentences... Don't say I didn't warn you...

The Song List...

Monday, April 28, 2008


So folks... let's clear the air. First of all, if you have something to say about my blogs, please, by all means say it. I like to hear what others' opinions are. However, I will not publish any comments that do not have a name attached to them. Growing up people attacked my family and my father constantly through the form of words... which are the most hurtful. And there was never a name attached to those hurtful words. When I have something to say, I say it out loud and I am not ashamed to let people know who I am and what I stand for. I can have an adult conversation about my lifestyle, beliefs and anything else you want to talk about. So yes, this is in response to a comment I received on my last blog. So for whomever that person was... I will respond just this one time to an anonymous comment.

"I dont think wanting to be skinny or lose weight is a reason to go vegan... there are other ways to lose weight and still eat healthy. There are many different lifestyles that are classified as healthy."

Whoever had the nerve to send this comment to me must be insane or have never met me. I am the first person to suggest Weight Watchers to someone who wants to lose weight. I struggled for years with weight issues and Weight Watchers helped me to get into a healthy weight range and stay there. For those of you who know me well, you know that I would tell you to try Weight Watchers online first. Incorporating vegetarian or vegan meals into your lifestyle obviously can't hurt either. Plus, studies have been shown that eating meat one less time per week highly improves your overall health and decreases your chances of many diseases including cancer.

However, by NO means would I ever suggest someone go vegan to lose weight. That's asking for a person to have an excuse to go anorexic and blame it on me or on veganism. That is ridiculous. Before making a huge life change a person has to learn how to gain self control over their eating habits and their thoughts. Being vegan is definitely not for everyone because not everyone has the patience or will power to take the time to know what they are ingesting every single meal. I applaud those of you who are willing to take the steps to live a healthy lifestyle. I hope that you will inspire others to do the same. My last blog was not focused on people who are not vegan. It was in response to people who have been attacking me. For those people who want to sit around and criticize me and my family while doing nothing in their own lives to be healthy. I have no sympathy for those people. Once a person is ready to change their lives and choose to be healthy and happy... however they choose to do that, I am happy and willing to encourage them with tips I have learned along the way, recipes, dinners at my place and whatever else.

So, to "anonymous", please feel free to leave a comment to this or any other posting. But you'll have to add you name next time. If no name is attached, I won't even respond one little bit to it. Like my mom always said, you can't give people power in your life if they aren't even willing to say who they are. She was right, as usual.


Anonymous said...

You are to cool!

Andrea said...

hey Abby, it's been a while. I missed you at my shower. hope you guys are all well!

Andrea said...

Hey Abby, it's been a while. Hope you guys are well. I missed you at my shower!