A look into the life of a 25 year old mother, wife, sister, friend, vegan and karaoke lover. Fair warning... what you are about to read a) is personal and you might feel uncomfortable at times, b) is very funny and should not be read if you are trying to spy on me without getting caught, c) is so enthralling that you might become obsessed with my life and my karaoke news flashes, and d) contains lots of 3-period endings to sentences... Don't say I didn't warn you...

The Song List...

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


I am a tweeter now. It has given me such a powerful and happy outlet to find a vegan community who shares the same goals, passion and happiness I do in my vegan lifestyle. I am also almost finished reading Vegan, The New Ethics of Eating by Erik Marcus. I would highly recommend this book to anyone looking to live consciously and compassionately.

This is the month for me that I always feel a little sad. I believe in the human spirit and that it can endure death. The spirit I speak of is that of my father in law. He was the most eccentric person I have ever met... the most unique person I will probably ever have the privilege of having a relationship with. He was so full of energy and life and never had regrets. Of course he was not perfect, no one is. However, I miss our chats over red wine and his unannounced visits to our house where he made himself perfectly at home. He was so damn weird and funny and annoying. And I sure loved that guy. We miss him tremendously in our home. He left us on April 23, 2005. I was barely pregnant with our son at the time and my heart breaks knowing that my little lovebug will never meet Steve face to face. However, his spirit and memory will live on within us. His death prompted my passion to live consciously and in every moment. I cannot let a single breath pass me by without the knowledge that I make a choice for every single minute I am here. How will I live my life? Who can I inspire today? How can I do better, be better. Veganism is a natural extension of this passion. Parenting, loving, my friendships, my boundaries, are also a part of that. Sometimes I feel frustrated but, like I tweeted today, I will not be defeated. My life is my own. And I choose how I live in this moment.

Cheers to my father in law and the loves of my life... my family and friends. Without all of you, I could not be my true self. And for that I am truly grateful.

PS - if you want to follow me on twitter I am at www.twitter.com/karaokevegan

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